APAARI History
The Asia-Pacific Association of Agricultural Research Institutions (APAARI) was founded in 1990 by the initiative of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and Governments of China, Fiji, India, Iran, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Republic of Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Western Samoa.
What We Do
APAARI is a membership-based, apolitical, multi-stakeholder, and intergovernmental regional organization that aims to catalyze collective action to improve agri-food systems in the Asia-Pacific region. It brings together regional, national and global stakeholders to bridge gaps and strengthen agri-food research and innovation systems towards more sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.
APAARI works at two levels. The APAARI Secretariat plays a key role in coordination and facilitation of knowledge exchange and capacity development based on the needs of the members. APAARI also works as a Community that helps the Association diversify and enhance its role in agri-food development by capitalizing on the strengths of its members and partners to collectively deliver results that contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The engagement with members on thematic areas is mainly achieved through grants and projects.

Our Network
Message from the Executive Secretary
To achieve this it also develops, secures and facilitates implementation of multi-country projects in South and SouthEast Asia and the Pacific sponsored by global donors. The recent success of APAARI in linking global agencies, institutions and expertise with National Agricultural Research and Extension System and other members in the region has necessitated revisiting the organizational structure and strategy with well-defined management standards to help members face the growing challenges in agri-food systems and in contributing towards SDG targets.

APAARI Vision 2030
“Strengthened research and innovations for sustainable agricultural development in Asia and the Pacific”.
“Promoting, coordinating and strengthening agriculture and agri-food research and innovation systems through partnerships and collaboration, capacity development and advocacy for sustainable agricultural development in Asia and the Pacific.”
Overarching Goal
The Asia-Pacific region benefits from and values APAARI’s leadership and contribution to developing agriculture and agri-food research and innovation systems.
Our Values

Foreseeing the future and working in the frontier areas through collaboration and partnership, advancing ideas and innovations, and encouraging creativity and initiatives.

Functioning as a capable and motivated organization providing an enabling environment for attaining excellence by investing available resources optimally to leverage the full potential of research and innovation for development.

Continually enhancing knowledge and skills to identify opportunities and capitalize on them for the growth and development of community, system, the nation and the weaker and smaller NARIs and NARES.

Embracing diversity and valuing contributions from all potential players and fully harnessing opportunities in partnerships and collaboration both nationally and internationally, with greater equity in participation and sharing of benefits.

Operating with the highest performance standards and integrity, openness and transparency and maintaining high quality in its administration, management and oversight.