Pre-inception webinar admin_apaari March 17, 2020

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Due to the postponement of the project’s face-to-face Inception Workshop due to the outbreak and spread of COVID-19, a two-hour webinar was organized by APAARI in collaboration with the project partners – IR-4 Rutgers University, USDA, and STDF/WTO. The webinar , which took place on 4 March 2020, aimed too:

  • build the participants’ understanding of the project, its capacity development focus, and related framework for the training delivery
  • share and discuss the results of the pre-workshop survey, and
  • present the process of the project implementation with the envisioned work plan.

With these objectives in mind, the participants learned about the project and received answers to their queries, to enable them to better understand the involvement of their countries in the project, allocate time and plan their institutions’ activities accordingly.


Synthesis of the Pre-Inception Webinar (245 downloads)

Pre-Inception Webinar in Youtube
